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Literary Agents Seeking New Clients - Dead Agents ListLiterary Agents Seeking New Clients – What’s the best place to find book agents seeking new clients? How can you get free access to the Directory of Literary Agents? And, what is the “Dead Agents List?”

Scroll below now to find out.

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Literary Agents Seeking New Clients
What Is The Dead Agents List?

Question: What’s the only thing worse than getting a rejection letter from a book agent?

Answer: Not getting any response because the book agent you submitted your query to stopped agenting, retired, or passed away (and you didn’t know it).


In addition to creating the world’s most comprehensive and accurate Literary Agents Directory here at Literary Agent Undercover, we’ve now created the “Dead Agents List” (below). Not everyone on the Dead Agents List is actually dead, but they should be dead to you when you’re submitting queries because they are NOT literary agents seeking new clients. In other words, don’t submit your work to them.

Now, if you think us creating
a list like this is macabre,
you might be right…

But someone
had to do it.


Literary agents seeking new clients are notorious for responding slowly to query letters–or not at all. If that happens to you in the future, you can simply come back to this webpage and see if there’s something you should know. Maybe you’re not such a bad writer after all. It could be that your dream book agent stopped being an agent to write his own books; he retired to Key West and he’s now drinking margaritas; or, perhaps, he retired once and for all to that great big bookstore in the great beyond.

Whatever the case may be, we’ll do our best to find out and tell you what happened. When you scroll below and look at our Dead Agents List, you’ll notice that some of the names of the book agents are blue. That means we’ve written a blog post about that book agent with information about their career, genres they represented, book titles they sold, a little bit about their life, and what they’re doing now (when applicable). We’ll be adding more profiles in the coming weeks, until there is one posted for every book agent listed.

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Literary Agents Seeking New Clients
Get FREE Access to the Literary Agent Directory

In addition to referencing the Dead Agents List below, make sure you also take advantage of our book agent directory. Our Directory of Literary Agents is the most comprehensive (and accurate) literary agent directory in the world, with detailed profiles for all literary agents seeking new clients. It’s also easy to use, and it’s the only directory that has publishing agent photos.

Simply enter your first name and email address in the
signup form to the right for free instant access to:

* United States and international book agents (1,000+ agents)
* Search by book genre/category (116 of them)
* Full-length book agent biographies and photos
* AAR membership status for all literary agents seeking new clients
* Approved query letter methods (email, online form, postal mail)
* Links to publishing agent websites and maps to their offices
* Personal email and postal addresses for all literary agents seeking new clients

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Literary Agents Seeking New Clients

The literary agents below are listed in alphabetical order by last name. We’ve identified the name of the literary agency where that agent last worked as well. And we’re currently adding blog posts for each of the agents so you can learn more about each book agent’s career, the genres they represented, book titles they sold, etc.

Justin Allen – Watkins Loomis Agency
Jason Allen Ashlock – Movable Type Management
Brenda Barr – Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
Richard Balkin – The Ward & Balkin Agency
Carl D. Brandt – Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
Rosanna Bruno – Russell & Volkening
Jessie Cammack – Jabberwocky Literary Agency
Amber Canavan – International Creative Management
Lindsey Clemons – Larsen Pomada Literary Agents
Jennifer Didik – Loretta Barrett Books
Angeline Dinh-Mutyala – BJ Robbins Literary Agency
Caren Johnson Estesen – Caren Johnson Literary Agency
Esther Fleece – Yates & Yates
Peter Franklin – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Carolyn S. French – Fifi Oscard Agency
Nahvae Frost – The McCarthy Agency
Robin Garland – Livingtree Literary Agency
Chelsea Gilmore – Maria Carvainis Agency
David Harvey – Maria Carvainis Agency
Patrick Herold – International Creative Management
Brittany Howard – Corvisiero Literary Agency
David Jacobsen – D.C. Jacobsen & Associates (DCJA)
Sammie Justesen – Northern Lights Literary Services
Liat Justin – Serendipity Literary Agency
Kathryn Lindsey – Jim Donovan Literary
Kevin Kaiser – Creative Trust, Inc.
Kristy King – Writers House
Ashley Kraas – Kraas Literary Agency
Jessie Kunhardt – Anderson Literary Management
David Larabell – David Black Agency
Robert Lescher – Lescher & Lescher
Janet Wilkens Manus – Manus & Associates Literary Agency
Nanci McCloskey – Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Christine Mervart Monroe – Anderson Literary Management
Judy Mikalonis – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Joe Monti – Barry Goldblatt Literary (BG Literary)
Sharona Moskowitz – Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
Vickie Motter – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Drew Nederpelt – Metropol Literary
Kaela Noel – Mary EvansLiterary Agency
Rebecca Oliver – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Kristan Palmer – InkWell Management
Lauren Pearson – Regal Literary
Abby Reilly – Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
Chris Richman – Upstart Crow Literary
Robert Rosen – RLR Associates
Richard “Bucky” Rosenbaum – Rosenbaum & Associates Literary Agency
Michele Rubin – Writers House
Robyn Russell – The Amy Rennert Agency
Lauren Ruth – BookEnds Literary Agency
Judith Schell – International Creative Management
Alex Schnitzler – Keller Media
John Schuster – The Literary Group International
Helena Schwarz – The Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
Jack Scovil – Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency
Sarah Self – The Gersh Agency
Tracy Sherrod – Tracy Sherrod Literary Agency
Melissa T. Shultz – Jim Donovan Literary
Bob Silverstein – Quicksilver Books Literary Agency
Kelly Skillen – PMA Literary & Film Management
Joan Slattery – Pippin Properties
Victoria Sperling – Wendy Sherman Associates
Kathleen Spinelli – Brands-to-Books Literary Agency
Lavonne Stevens – Literary Management Group
Denise Stinson – Stinson Literary Agency
Pamela Strickler – Pam Strickler Author Management
Stephanie Sun – Weed Literary
Susannah Taylor – Richard Henshaw Group
Marissa Walsh – FinePrint Literary Management
Jennifer Wang – Ashley Grayson Literary Agency
Christina L. Ward – The Ward & Balkin Agency
Joan Ward – The Miller Agency
John A. Ware – John Ware Literary Agency
Steve Wasserman – Kneerim & Williams Literary
Irene Webb – Irene Webb Literary
Anna Webman – Curtis Brown Literary Agency
Wendy Weil – Wendy Weil Agency
Andrew Wetzel – Martin Literary Management
Alyssa Wolff – Fletcher & Company
Ken Wright – Writers House
Quinlan Lee – Adams Literary
Joel Kneedler – Alive Literary Agency
Lee Hough – Alive Literary Agency
Katie Reed – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Genevieve Nine – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Amberly Finarelli – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Andrea Hurst – Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management
Peri Halprin – Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Lois Winston – Ashley Grayson Literary Agency
Barbara Rifkind – Barbara Rifkind Literary Agency
Charles Schlessiger – Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
Joanne Brownstein – Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
Rebecca Simas – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Leslie Daniels – Daniels Books Literary Agency
Amanda Lewis – Doe Coover Agency
Jerome Rudes – Fifi Oscard Agency
Kevin McShane – Fifi Oscard Agency
Laura Paperny – Fifi Oscard Agency
Ivy Fischer Stone – Fifi Oscard Agency
Peter Sawyer – Fifi Oscard Agency
Carmen La Via – Fifi Oscard Agency
Doris Michaels – Doris Michaels Literary Agency (DSM)
Ward Calhoun – FinePrint Literary Management
Heather Evans – FinePrint Literary Management
Rachel Coyne – FinePrint Literary Management
Meredith Hays – FinePrint Literary Management
Kathleen Zakhar – Harold Ober Associates
Dorothy Spencer – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Kathryn Beaumont – Kneerim, Williams & Bloom
Caroline Zimmerman – Kneerim, Williams & Bloom
Susan Lescher – Lescher & Lescher
Loretta Barrett – Loretta Barrett Books
Stephanie Lee – Manus & Associates Literary Agency
Michele Matrisciani – Movable Type Management
Jess Dallow – New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
Pema Browne – Pema Browne Literary Agency
Rebecca Strong – Rebecca Strong International Literary Agency
Jesse Vogel – Scribe Agency
George Nicholson – Sterling Lord Literistic
Sarah Beth Hopton – The August Agency
Nicole Steen – The Bent Agency
Michael “Mickey” Choate – The Choate Agency
Katia Herman – The Herman Agency
Jay Poynor – The Poynor Group
Edward Graham – The Steinberg Agency
Eric Nelson – The Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
Tony Clark – Tracy Sherrod Literary Agency
Greg Dinkin – Venture Literary
Claire Dunnington – Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
Olga Wieser – Wieser & Elwell
Barbara Scott – WordServe Literary Agency
Jacob Moore – Zachary Shuster Harmsworth
Eve Bridburg – Zachary Shuster Harmsworth
Natalie Rae Kimber – Sun Rae Agency
Susan Ann Protter – Susan Ann Protter Literary Agency
Sabine Hrechdakian – Writers House
Sarah Nagel – Writers House
Chila Woychik – WordWise Media Services
Trisha de Guzman – Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
Richard Parks – The Richard Parks Agency
Judy Heiblum – Sterling Lord Literistic
Madeleine Clark – Sterling Lord Literistic
John Weber – Serendipity Literary Agency
Leigh Huffine – Regal Literary
Theron Raines – Raines & Raines
Michael Hamilburg – Mike Hamilburg Agency
Karen Knapstein – Mary Anne Thompson Associates
Michael Murphy – Max & Co. Literary Agency
Lori Perkins – L. Perkins Agency (Lori Perkins Agency)
Richard Knapp – Knapp Talent & Literary
Ethan Vaughan – Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Katharine Cluverius – KCLS
Jean Naggar – Jean Naggar Literary Agency
Elizabeth Evans – Jean Naggar Literary Agency
Jane Rotrosen Berkey – Jane Rotrosen Agency
Paul Lamb – Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Cara Mannion – Harold Ober Associates
Matt Wise – Foundry Literary + Media
Jita Fumich – Folio Literary Management
Rachel Stout – Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
Kristin Miller Vincent – D4EO Literary Agency
Ella Kennen – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Janet Benrey – Benrey Literary Agency
Penn Whaling – Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Roberta Brown – Brown Literary Agency
Melissa Carrigee – Loiacono Literary Agency
Fleetwood Robbins – Waxman Literary Agency
Tara Carberry – Trident Media Group
Mary Buza – The Purcell Agency
Jodie Rhodes – Jodie Rhodes Literary Agency
Chloe Walker – Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Bethany Buck – Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Melissa Pontious – The Kohner Agency
Erin Buterbaugh – MacGregor Literary
Holly Lorincz – MacGregor Literary
Amanda Panitch – Lippincott Massie McQuilkin
Brenna Link-Barkley – Link Literary Agency
Jamie Weber – Link Literary Agency
Casey Woodworth – Loose Leaf Literary Agency
Kristen Svenson – Loose Leaf Literary Agency
Julie Just – Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Hannah Schwartz – InkWell Management
Alyssa di Pierro – InkWell Management
Jen Karsbaek – Fuse Literary
Shawna Morey – Folio Literary Management
Michael Sterling – Folio Literary Management
Jennifer Pope – Atchity Entertainment International (AEI)
Ken Atchity – Atchity Entertainment International (AEI)
Kimberly Shumate – Living Word Literary Agency
Terry Burns – Hartline Literary Agency
Alicka Pistek – Alicka Pistek Literary Agency
Mary Sue Seymour – The Seymour Agency
Mollie Glick – CAA
Nancy Coffey – Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation
Shana Cohen – Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency
Joe Veltre – The Gersh Agency
Rachel Hecht – Rachel Hecht Children’s Scouting
Phyllis Wender – The Gersh Agency
Christine LeBlond – Susan Schulman Literary Agency
Flora Hackett – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Linn Prentis – Linn Prentis Literary Agency
Julia Wagner – Susanna Lea Associates
Lindsay Ribar – Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Jackie Lindert – New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
Mary Gaule – Mary Evans Literary Agency
Jandy Nelson – Manus & Associates Literary Agency
David James Clarke IV – Lume Literary Agency
Mary Clarke – Lume Literary Agency
Rachael Dugas – Talcott Notch Literary Services
Will Lippincott – Lippincott Massie McQuilkin
Alicia Justice – Justice Literary Management
Jane Chelius – Jane Chelius Literary Agency
Alice Bauer – James Fitzgerald Agency
Anne Baltazar – Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Lauren Smythe – InkWell Management
Lena Yarbrough – InkWell Management
Ryann Wahl – Holloway Literary
Vanessa Eccles – Golden Wheat Literary
Sara Sciuto – Fuse Literary
Hillary Black – Fletcher & Company
Sam Freilich – Elyse Cheney Literary Associates
Amy Boggs – Donald Maass Literary Agency
Colin Farstad – DeFiore and Company
Catherine Luttinger – Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
Samantha Bremekamp – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Natasha Alexis – Chalberg & Sussman Literary Agency
Sergei Tsimberov – Ayesha Pande Literary
Pablo de la Vega – Indent Literary Agency
Jake Elwell – Harold Ober Associates
Les Stobbe – Leslie H. Stobbe Literary Agency
Ann Byle – Credo Communications, Inc.
Tish Beaty – L. Perkins Agency (Lori Perkins Agency)
Hannah Brown Gordon – Foundry Literary + Media
Lydia Shamah – Carol Mann Agency
Jennifer Johnson-Blalock – Liza Dawson Associates
Michelle Mitchell – The Mitchell Literary Agency
Sasha Raskin – United Talent Agency (UTA)
Shaun Dolan – Union Literary
James Vines – The Vines Agency
Molly Cusick – Mary Anne Thompson Associates
Taryn Fagerness – Taryn Fagerness Agency
Chelcee Johns – Serendipity Literary Agency
Folade Bell – Serendipity Literary Agency
Robin Mizell – Robin Mizell Literary Representation
Rachel Marks – Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Linda Kasten – Loiacono Literary Agency
Brita Lundberg – Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Emma Schlee – InkWell Management
Elizabeth Pomada – Larsen Pomada Literary Agents
Michael Larsen – Larsen Pomada Literary Agents
Didier Imbot – Global Literary Management
Jan Dennis – Dennis Literary
Meredith Smith – Creative Trust, Inc.
Adam Perry – APA Talent and Literary Agency
Karen Ball – The Steve Laube Agency
Krista Goering – The Krista Goering Literary Agency
Andy Kifer – The Gernert Company
Steve Mancino – The Booker Albert Literary Agency
John Bowers – The Bent Agency
Taylor Bacques – Sterling Lord Literistic
Brian Egan – Sterling Lord Literistic
Deborah Schlesinger – STA Literary Agency
Christian Schraga – STA Literary Agency
Zach Beimes – STA Literary Agency
Chelsea Lindman – Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Jak Burke – Rudy Agency
Heather Alexander – Pippin Properties
Patricia Teal – Patricia Teal Literary Agency
Danielle Barthel – New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
Susan Brower-Stephenson – Natasha Kern Literary Agency
Shannon E. Powers – McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency
Shira Hoffman – McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency
Alanna Feldman – Mary Anne Thompson Associates
Johnnie Bernhard – Loiacono Literary Agency
Laura Biagi – Jean Naggar Literary Agency
Tom Dark – Heacock Hill Literary Agency
Andy Scheer – Hartline Literary Agency
Steve Kasdin – Curtis Brown Literary Agency
David Sanford – Credo Communications, Inc.
Sarah Negovetich – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Deborah Connor Coker – Connor Literary Agency
Arthur Greene – Arthur Greene & Co.
Tess Taylor – Anderson Literary Management
Katrin Hodapp – Susanna Lea Associates
Elaine P. English – The Elaine P. English Literary Agency
Jonathan Matson – Harold Matson Company
Kristina Holmes – The Holmes Agency
Ashley Grayson – Ashley Grayson Literary Agency
Carolyn Grayson – Ashley Grayson Literary Agency
Deborah Carter – Waverly Place Literary
Whitley Abell – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Danielle Smith – Lupine Grove Creative, LLC
Lauren Lindsey White – Storm Literary Agency
Amy Tipton – Signature Literary Agency
Ayanna Coleman – Quill Shift Literary Agency
Jon Baker – Baker Literary Scouting, Inc.
Stacy Little – Storm Literary Agency
Nadeen Gayle – Serendipity Literary Agency
Dawn Michelle Hardy – Serendipity Literary Agency
Roslyn Targ – Roslyn Targ Literary Agency
Megan Close Zavala – Keller Media
Eve Porinchak – Jill Corcoran Literary Agency
Erin McFadden – Fletcher & Company
Lindsay Mealing – Emerald City Literary Agency
Jessie Devine – D4EO Literary Agency
Laura Mamelok – Susanna Lea Associates
Tom Mackay – Mary Evans Literary Agency
Elaine Markson – Elaine Markson Literary Agency
Paul Fedorko – UTA Bienstock
Sophia Seidner – Jill Grinberg Literary Management
Mallory C. Brown – Triada U.S. Literary Agency
Molly Reese Lerner – Thompson Literary Agency
Heather Tebbs – The Knight Agency
Logan Garrison Savits – The Gernert Company
Libby McGuire – The Gernert Company
Cara Reilly – Sterling Lord Literistic
Rebecca Bugger – Serendipity Literary Agency
Fred Tribuzzo – Rudy Agency
Bree Ogden – Red Sofa Literary
Becca Stumpf – Prospect Agency
Kirsten Carleton – Prospect Agency
Athena Kern – Natasha Kern Literary Agency
Jennifer Haskin – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Brianne Robinson – MacGregor Literary
Emilie Kormienko – Literary Counsel
Emma Hamilton – Kneerim & Williams Literary
Douglas Lee – Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Michael Caligaris – Holloway Literary
Mink Choi – Fletcher & Company
Don Lamm – Fletcher & Company
Gary Johnson – Elaine Markson Literary Agency
Erin Young – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Gabriel Harris – CSG Literary Partners/MDM Management
Vanessa Marie Robins – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Doreen Thistle – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Meg LaTorre-Snyder – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Lisa Kopel – Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
Mary Keeley – Books & Such Literary Agency
Hannah Babcock – Baker Literary Scouting, Inc.
Ariel Foxman – Aevitas Creative Management
Edward Hibbert – Donadio and Olson
Neil Olson – Donadio and Olson
Rick Christian – Alive Literary Agency
Joseph Brendan Vallely – Swagger Literary Agency
Janell Agyeman – Marie Brown Associates
Sheri Mabry Bestor – Willow Words Literary Agency
Scott Gould – RLR Associates
Taylor Templeton – Writers House
Ruth Samsel – William K Jensen Literary Agency
Loretta Weingel-Fidel – Weingel-Fidel Agency
Larry Kirshbaum – Waxman Literary Agency
Samuel Pinkus – Veritas Media
Valerie Smith – Valerie Smith Literary Agency
Jill Corcoran – Transatlantic Agency
Christopher Rhodes – The Stuart Agency
Dan Balow – The Steve Laube Agency
Helen Sweetland – The Spieler Agency
Nicholas Roman Lewis – The Roman Group
Nicole Damaris Rowland – The Damaris Rowland Agency
Rachel Horowitz – The Bent Agency
Martha Millard – Sterling Lord Literistic
Lucy Koch – Sterling Lord Literistic
Megan Feulner – Sterling Lord Literistic
Alison MacKeen – Sterling Lord Literistic
Blair Wilson – The Park Literary Group
Jay Acton – Spartan LA
Katie Zanecchia – Ross Yoon Literary Agency
Rosalie Siegel – Rosalie Siegel International Literary Agency
Nic Goodall – RO Literary
Laura Rothschild – RO Literary
Sandra O’Donnell, PhD – O’Donnell Literary Group
Patricia van der Leun – Patricia van der Leun Literary Agency
Jeff Kellogg – Pavilion Literary Management
Alice Volpe – Northwest Literary Agency
Amy Rosenbaum – Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Claudia Menza – Menza-Barron Literary Agency
Emma Borges-Scott – McCormick Literary
Maxine Groffsky – Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency
Lexi Wangler – Massie & McQuilkin
Marcia Amsterdam – Marcia Amsterdam Agency
Brian Tibbetts – MacGregor & Luedeke
Louise Ketz – Louise Ketz Agency
Arielle Eckstut – Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Jon Tienstra – KT Public Relations & Literary Services
Kirsten Manges – Kirsten Manges Literary
Joan Brandt – Joan Brandt Agency
Lucinda Karter – Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency
David Laurell – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Liz Farrell – International Creative Management
Roshani Moorjani – InkWell Management
Sue Yuen – Inko Inc.
Joseph Parsons – Holloway Literary
Helen Pratt – Helen Pratt Literary Agency
Catt LeBaigue – Heacock Hill Literary Agency
Lina Sion – Global Literary Management
Sandra Zane – Global Literary Management
Frances Goldin – Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Todd Sattersten – Fletcher & Company
Kathleen Schmidt – Empire Literary
Kira Watson – Emma Sweeney Agency
Alexander Jacobs – Elyse Cheney Literary Associates
Anna Cottle – Cine/Lit Representation
Mary Alice Kier – Cine/Lit Representation
Barbara Doyen – Doyen Literary Services
Julie Castiglia – Castiglia Literary Agency
Winifred Golden – Castiglia Literary Agency
Lettie Lee – Ann Elmo Agency
Andree Abecassis – Ann Elmo Agency
Justin Wells – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Robert Allen – Brands-to-Books Literary Agency
Beth Campbell – BookEnds Literary Agency
Jennifer Cayea – Avenue A Literary
Linda Scalissi – 3 Seas Literary Agency
Barbara Hogenson – Barbara Hogenson Agency
Phyllis Westberg – Harold Ober Associates
Craig Tenney – Harold Ober Associates
Irene Skolnick – Irene Skolnick Agency
Adam Friedstein – Anderson Literary Management
Jacqueline Hackett – Literary Works
Ashley Collom – Thompson Literary Agency
Jessie Stover – The Seymour Agency
Taylor Thompson – The Purcell Agency
Olivia Nathan – The Joy Harris Literary Agency
Rebecca Stead – The Book Group
Julian Strachan – Strachan Literary Agency
Ashley Valentine – Pippin Properties
Larissa Helena – Pippin Properties
Mary South – Lowenstein Associates
Ryan Eichenwald – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Arnold Goodman – Goodman Associates
Mark McVeigh – The McVeigh Agency
Linda Allen – Linda Allen Literary Agency
Michael Lennie – Lennie Literary Agency & Author’s Attorney
Jennifer de la Fuente – Fountain Literary
Shana Kelly – Einstein Literary Management
Cara Bellucci – Don Congdon Associates
Gabrielle Piraino – DeFiore and Company
Andrew Chamberlin – Credo Communications, Inc.
Lana Popovic – Chalberg & Sussman Literary Agency
Bill Contardi – Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
Greta Moran – Beth Vesel Literary Agency
Susan Zanger – Aevitas Creative Management
Lorin Oberweger – Adams Literary
Emma Sweeney – Emma Sweeney Agency
Jennifer Rudolph Walsh – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Polly Nolan – Greenhouse Literary Agency
Kathleen Nishimoto – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Taylor Curtin – Union Literary
Julia Eagleton – The Gernert Company
Ashley Chase – The Ashley Chase Literary Agency
Devon Halliday – Susanna Lea Associates
Sterling Lord – Sterling Lord Literistic
Molly Moore – Starlight Literary Agency
Ellen Pepus – Signature Literary Agency
Kae Tienstra – KT Public Relations & Literary Services
Mary Kole – Movable Type Management
Stephanie Teater – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Nicole Bezanson – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Leanne Tavares – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Natalie Grazian – Martin Literary Management
Rebecca Collazo – Marianne Strong Literary Agency
Denise Marcil – Marcil-O’Farrell Literary, LLC
Noah Lukeman – Lukeman Literary Management
David Hendin – DH Literary
Jessica Kirkland – Kirkland Media Management
Hannah Whatley – Hartline Literary Agency
Damian McNicholl – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
James Fitzgerald – James Fitzgerald Agency
Dylan Lowy – James Fitzgerald Agency
Kelly Oden – International Creative Management
Heather Karpas – International Creative Management
Edite Kroll – Edite Kroll Literary Agency
Phoebe Low – InkWell Management
Heidi Mitchell – D.C. Jacobsen & Associates (DCJA)
Joy Eggerichs Reed – D.C. Jacobsen & Associates (DCJA)
Don Jacobson – D.C. Jacobsen & Associates (DCJA)
Blair Jacobson – D.C. Jacobsen & Associates (DCJA)
Jacquelyn Ross – Cornerstone Literary Agency
Sarah LaPolla – Bradford Literary Agency
Hannah Ekren – Bookcase Literary Agency
Nick Chiles – Aevitas Creative Management
Jillian Manus – Manus & Associates Literary Agency
Penny Nelson – Manus & Associates Literary Agency
Cassie Hanjian – Defiore and Company
Melissa Kahn – 3 Arts Entertainment
Deborah Hofmann – David Black Agency
Kieryn Ziegler – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Rick Pascocello – Glass Literary Management
Bethany Morehead – Hartline Literary Agency
Sharon Chudnow – InkWell Management
Cari Lamba – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Timothy Barry – Kneerim & Williams Literary
Kianna Shore – ​Ladderbird
Matthew Huff – Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Dominic Yarabe – Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Daniel Menaker – McCormick Literary
Jennifer Udden – New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
Hilary Claggett – Rudy Agency
Samantha Isman – Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Daniel Strone – Trident Media Group
Jocquelle S. Caiby – Serendipity Literary Agency
Meher Manda – Serendipity Literary Agency
Michael Hoogland – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Tia Mele – Talcott Notch Literary Services
Heather Flaherty – The Bent Agency
Lenore Skomal – Whimsy Literary Agency
Nora Long – Writers House
Albert Zuckerman – Writers House
Kelsey Klosterman – Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
Geri Thoma – Writers House
Kelli Martin – Wendy Sherman Associates
Amanda Orozco – Transatlantic Agency
Laurie Chittenden – The Tessler Literary Agency
Kim Blair McCollum – The Purcell Agency
Sarah Hornsley – The Bent Agency
Ian McMahon – Tanenbaum International
Kate Foster – Storm Literary Agency
Melissa Richeson – Storm Literary Agency
Samantha Bagood – Samantha B. Literary
Geoffrey Stone – Rudy Agency
Lauren Manoy – Rudy Agency
Katelyn Hales – Robin Straus Agency
Grace A. Ross – Regal Hoffmann & Associates
Brandie Coonis – Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Andrea Walker – Olswanger Literary LLC
Eugene Winick – McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency
Laney Katz Becker – Massie & McQuilkin
Clelia Gore – Martin Literary Management
Lynn Franklin – Lynn Franklin Associates
Caitlen Rubino Bradway – LKG Agency
Trevor Ketner – ​Ladderbird
John Butman – Kneerim & Williams Literary
Brooks Sherman – Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Kimberly Jago – Jago Ciro Entertainment
Maggie Kane – Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Amy Schiffman – Intellectual Property Group
Michelle L. Johnson – Inklings Literary Agency
Kari Erickson – Hill Nadell Literary Agency
Jori Hanna – Hartline Literary Agency
Stephanie Kehr – Hartline Literary Agency
Alyssa Roat – Hartline Literary Agency
Chrysa Keenon – Hartline Literary Agency
McKenzi Melody – Hartline Literary Agency
Caroline George – Hartline Literary Agency
Hope Bolinger – Hartline Literary Agency
Aften Brook Szymanski – Golden Wheat Literary
Rebecca Angus – Golden Wheat Literary
Mackenzie Fraser-Bub – Fraser-Bub Literary
Karen Gormandy – Folio Literary Management
Alyssa Taylor – Fletcher & Company
Kemi Faderin – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Destiny Modeste – Dupree Miller & Associates
Denis Kitchen – Denis Kitchen Publishing Co.
Kerstin Wolf – D4EO Literary Agency
Stephanie Koven – Cullen Stanley International Agency
Matthew DiGangi – Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
Rob Arnold – Aevitas Creative Management
Jim Hornfischer – Hornfischer Literary Management
Jessica Spivey – Victoria Sanders & Associates
David Van Diest – Van Diest Literary Agency
Sarah Van Diest – Van Diest Literary Agency
Elle Thompson – Triada U.S. Literary Agency
Matt Belford – The Tobias Literary Agency
Lara Allen – The Lotts Agency
Sam Morgan – The Lotts Agency
Jackie Williams – The Knight Agency
Nicole James – The James Literary Agency
Robert Fleck – The Fleck Agency
Estee Zandee – The Bindery
Noa Rosen – Susanna Lea Associates
Ross Harris – Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency
Nell Pierce – Sterling Lord Literistic
Amanda Leuck – Spencerhill Associates
Karen Solem – Spencerhill Associates
Richard Curtis – Richard Curtis Associates
Ann Collette – Rees Literary Agency
Emma Sector – Prospect Agency
Susana Alvare – Park & Fine Literary and Media
Kristina Slater – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Shanna Furey – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Patty Carothers – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Adria Goetz – Martin Literary Management
Elle McKenzie – ​Ladderbird
Kate Linnea Welsh – KT Literary
Hannah Fergesen – KT Literary
Jill Kneerim – Kneerim & Williams Literary
Megan Barnard – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Bre Stephens – Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
Rhea Lyons – HG Literary
Theresa Esquerra – Grosvenor Literary Agency
Sarah Davies – Greenhouse Literary Agency
Veronica Park – Fuse Literary
Ria Julien – Frances Goldin Literary Agency
Melissa Melo – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Cat Hosch – Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
Yishai Seidman – Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Joyce Holland – D4EO Literary Agency
Katelyn Uplinger – D4EO Literary Agency
Julie Dinneen – D4EO Literary Agency
Maureen Walters – Curtis Brown Literary Agency
Laura Yorke – Laura York Literary Services
Agnes Carlowicz – Carol Mann Agency
Siobhan McBride – Carnicelli Literary Management
Patrick Munnelly – Bond Literary Agency
Michael Burke – Barbara Bova Literary Agency
Danielle Colburn – ArtHouse Literary Agency
Nan Thornton – Aevitas Creative Management
Chelsey Heller – Aevitas Creative Management
Georgia Frances King – Aevitas Creative Management
Chuck Verrill – Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
David Vigliano – Vigliano Associates
Philip Spitzer – Philip Spitzer Literary Agency
Cristi Machetti – Firebrand Literary
Nadia Cornier – Firebrand Literary
Sam Fleishman – Literary Artists Representatives
Steven Salpeter – Curtis Brown Literary Agency
Julie Hill​ – Julie Hill and Associates
Rosie Jonker – Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
Jeanne Fredericks – Jeanne Fredericks Literary Agency
Sally McMillan – Sally Hill McMillan & Associates
Morton Janklow – Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Peter Miller – Global Lion Intellectual Property Management, Inc.
Timothy Wager – Davis Wager Literary Agency
David Doerrer – A3 Artists Agency
Marianne Strong – Marianne Strong Literary Agency
Lord Colin Ivar Campbell – Marianne Strong Literary Agency
Bill Blumer – The Blumer Literary Agency
Olivia Blumer – The Blumer Literary Agency
Maureen Lasher – LA Literary Agency
Eric Lasher – LA Literary Agency
Ann Cashman – LA Literary Agency
Chamein Canton – Canton Smith Agency
Victoria Dillman – Howland Literary
Thomas Hill – Martin Literary Management
Katherine Wessbecher – Bradford Literary Agency
Crystal Orazu – Context Literary Agency
Barbara Bauer, PhD – Barbara Bauer Literary Agency
Bill Reeves – WTA Media
Meridith Viguet – Writers House
Robert Wolgemuth – Wolgemuth & Associates
Andy McNicol – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Tatiana Liard – White Lion Literary Agency
Michael Gosney – Waterside Productions
William Reeve – Virginia Kidd Agency
Melissa Gaines – Victress Literary
Cassie Mannes Murray – Triangle House
Maria Rogers – The Tobias Literary Agency
Elizabeth Poteet – The Seymour Agency
Christopher Hermelin – The Fischer-Harbage Agency
Jen Hunt – The Booker Albert Literary Agency
Helena Sandlyng Jacobsen – Susanna Lea Associates
Nathan Hedrick – Standing Stones Literary Agency
Charlene Visco – Standing Stones Literary Agency
Julia Byers – Sheldon Fogelman Agency
Chloe Rifat – Serendipity Literary Agency
Jennifer DuVall – Schiavone Literary Agency
Kevin McAdams – Schiavone Literary Agency
James Schiavone – Schiavone Literary Agency
Tina Pohlman – Ross Yoon Literary Agency
Abby Schulman – Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
Alexis Burgess – Park & Fine Literary and Media
Anna Petkovich – Park & Fine Literary and Media
Erica Christensen – Metamorphosis Literary Agency
Dirk Devlin – Max Gartenberg Literary Agency
Jackie Ashton – Lucinda Literary
Kirsten Aguilar – ​Ladderbird
Leon Husock – L. Perkins Agency (Lori Perkins Agency)
Aida Z. Lilly – KT Literary
Renae Moore – Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency
Tawny Johnson – Illuminate Literary Agency
Megan Burkhart – Hartline Literary Agency
Ben Camardi – Harold Matson Company
Gary D. Foster – Gary D Foster Consulting
Bobby O’Neil – FinePrint Literary Management
Jaime Chu – Europa Content Ltd.
Sophia Seidner – Ascension Literary
Claire Gillespie – The Cheney Agency
Stephanie Lehmann – Elaine Koster Literary Agency
Tricia Davey – Davey Literary & Media Management
Pam Pho – D4EO Literary Agency
Megan Manzano – D4EO Literary Agency
Pete Ford – Credo Communications, Inc.
Dr. Jamie Bodnar Drowley – Corvisiero Literary Agency
Maria Napolitano – Bookcase Literary Agency
Laura Stone – Blue Ridge Literary Agency, LLC
Annie Wilder – Annie Wilder Literary Agency
Daniella Cohen – Aevitas Creative Management
Linda Chester – Linda Chester Literary Agency

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