Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent was an agent with Russell & Volkening in New York City. She is no longer an agent. Russell & Volkening, where Literary Agent Rosanna Bruno worked, was acquired by Lippincott Massie McQuilkin in 2012. Publishing Agent Rosanna Bruno was on our list of Publishing Agents New York (book agents in New York State), Publishing Agents NYC (book agents in NYC), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), Fiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent fiction authors), and Nonfiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).
Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent Biography
Don’t submit a query letter to Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent because she’s on our list of book agents who’ve stopped agenting, retired, or passed away. If you want to find book agents that ARE seeking new clients, click here now to access our Book Agents Directory. Or scroll below to learn more about Literary Agent Rosanna Bruno and Russell & Volkening.
Book Genres – Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent
Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent represented the following genres of books:
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
Representative Sales – Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent
Sales for Russell & Volkening:
- HOPE’S BOY by Andrew Bridge (Hyperion)
- WHAT I KNOW, WHAT I DON’T KNOW, AND WHAT I BELIEVE by Otis Webb Brawley (St. Martin’s)
- THE LAST NUN by Nancy Bilyeau (Touchstone Fireside)
- INFAMOUS SCRIBBLERS by Eric Burns (Public Affairs)
- SARA BAARTMAN AND THE HOTTENTOT VENUS by Clifton Crais (Princeton University Press)
- THE MAYTREES by Annie Dillard (Harper)
Rosanna Bruno Literary Agent
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