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Peter Ryan Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Peter Ryan and Stimola Literary Studio is part of a series about literary agents and How to Find a Literary Agent. Publishing Agent Peter Ryan is a literary agent with Stimola Literary Studio. He joined the agency in 2012. DO NOT QUERY THIS AGENT AT THIS TIME: Peter is not currently accepting unsolicited submissions. Book Agent Peter Ryan has had a lifelong love affair with graphic novels and comic books. His first comics were handed down to him from his older brother’s friend.

Peter Ryan Literary Agent is interested in books that keep him up all night thinking. He has a background in Business, and he spent a few years in the video game industry, where he worked on titles like: Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, and some of the Marvel Universe.

Peter Ryan Literary Agent is on our list of Book Agents USA (publishing agents in the United States), Children’s Book Agents (publishing agents who represent books for younger readers), and Fiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent fiction authors).

Peter Ryan Literary Agent Biography

Photo of Peter Ryan Literary Agent - Stimola Literary StudioThe profile about Peter Ryan Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you’ll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents. Scroll below now to learn more about Literary Agent Peter Ryan or click here to get free instant access to our official Book Agents Directory.

Book Genres – Peter Ryan Literary Agent

Peter Ryan Literary Agent represents the following book genres:

  • Fiction
  • Children’s Books

Representative Sales – Peter Ryan Book Agent

Scroll below now to view representative titles and a complete profile for Peter Ryan FREE in our Book Agents Directory.

AAR Status – Peter Ryan Publishing Agent

Scroll below now to view the AAR status and a complete profile for Peter Ryan FREE in our Book Agents Directory.

Contact Information Peter Ryan Literary Agent

Scroll below now to view the email and postal address for Peter Ryan FREE in our Book Agents Directory.

Peter Ryan Literary Agent
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