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Michael Larsen Literary Agent was a book agent at Larsen Pomada Literary. He is no longer taking submissions. Publishing Agent Michael Larsen was an agent with Larsen Pomada Literary. Book Agent Michael Larsen was eager to find nonfiction books that would excite big and midsize houses: how-to’s, self-help, business, personal finance, popular culture, biography, current affairs, history, health, medicine, spirituality, inspirational books, trends, technology, the future, and other books with practical, social, or literary value.

Michael Larsen Literary Agent was the author of the third editions of How to Write a Book Proposal and How to Get a Literary Agent. With Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, and David Hancock, he is co-author of the second edition of Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 Weapons for Selling Your Work. Mike also offered a consulting service for nonfiction writers who were not clients. Born and educated in New York City, Literary Agent Michael Larsen worked in promotion for Bantam, William Morrow, and Pyramid (later assimilated into Berkley). He and his wife Elizabeth Pomada started Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents in San Francisco in 1972. They were members of AAR and have sold books to more than 100 publishers.

Michael Larsen Literary Agent was on our list of AAR Publishing Agents (book agents who are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives), Publishing Agents California (book agents in California), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), and Nonfiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).

Michael Larsen Literary Agent Biography

Photo of Michael Larsen Literary Agent - Larsen Pomada LiteraryThe profile about Michael Larsen Literary Agent that you see here contains just some of the information you’ll find in our free Book Agents Directory, with listings for all publishing agents. Scroll below now to learn more about Literary Agent Michael Larsen and get free instant access to our Book Agents Directory.

Book Genres – Michael Larsen Literary Agent

Michael Larsen Literary Agent represents the following book genres:

  • Nonfiction

Representative Sales – Michael Larsen Book Agent

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AAR Status – Michael Larsen Publishing Agent

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Contact Information – Michael Larsen Literary Agent

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Michael Larsen Literary Agent
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