Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Madison Smartt Bell and Ayesha Pande Literary is part of a series about books and Finding a Literary Agent. Publishing Agent Madison Smartt Bell is a literary agent at Ayesha Pande Literary. Book Agent Madison Smartt Bell is a graduate of Princeton University and the Hollins College graduate creative writing program. He has taught writing programs, such as the Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars, at Goucher College, and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. For three decades, he helped writers place manuscripts on a pro bono basis. He is interested in works of noir, literary fiction, the Caribbean basin, and criminal procedures. He’s looking for fresh and original books.
Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent is the author of many books, including: Waiting for the End of the World, Straight Cut, Ten Indians, Soldier’s Joy, Master of the Crossroads, The Washington Square Ensemble, Devil’s Dream, Anything Goes, Save Me, The Year of Silence, The Stone That The Builder Refused, Doctor Sleep, The Color of Night, and All Souls Rising (National Book Award and PEN/Faulkner finalist).
Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent is on our list of Book Agents New York (publishing agents in New York State), Book Agents NYC (publishing agents in NYC), Book Agents USA (publishing agents in the United States), and Fiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent fiction authors).
Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent Biography
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Book Genres – Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent
Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Fiction
Representative Sales – Madison Smartt Bell Book Agent
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AAR Status – Madison Smartt Bell Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent
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Madison Smartt Bell Literary Agent
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