Jeff Kleinman Literary Agent is a book agent with Folio Literary Management with offices in New York City. DO NOT QUERY THIS AGENT AT THIS TIME: Jeff is not currently accepting unsolicited submissions. Scroll below to learn more and see how you can submit your book to Jeff Kleinman for representation.
This literary agent profile is part of a series from our Literary Agents List of the most searched literary agents online.
Jeff Kleinman is on our list of AAR Publishing Agents (book agents who are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives), Publishing Agents New York (book agents in New York State), Publishing Agents NYC (book agents in NYC), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), Fiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent fiction authors), and Nonfiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).
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Jeff Kleinman Literary Agent Biography
Jeff Kleinman Literary Agent is a book agent with Folio Literary Management.
Jeff says:
“I am one of the founders of Folio Literary Management, LLC. I wanted to establish an agency that is forward-thinking and able to offer services that “traditional” literary agents don’t provide, so in 2006 I joined with my partners to establish Folio.
Over the course of my career I’ve represented many successful books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks, The Eighty Dollar Champion by Elizabeth Letts, Mockingbird by Charles Shields, and The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty. I have also had the privilege of representing the critically acclaimed And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut, A Life by Charles Shields, In the Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White, Finn by Jon Clinch, Sacco & Vanzetti by Bruce Watson, and Enslaved by Ducks by Bob Tarte. My list is comprised of projects with unusual premises; books that offer up some new perspective on something I thought I already knew or never dreamed existed; and wonderful, character-driven novels. That’s what I’m looking for.
Since I spent a great deal of my life in an academic setting (I have a B.A. in Modern Studies from the University of Virginia, an M.A. in Italian from the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the Case Western Reserve University School of Law), I often enjoy narratives revolving around a distinct community. History has always been a passion, so I’m on the lookout for something that brings the past to life and makes it relevant. Animals are another interest: I grew up in a house that had a lot of animals underfoot, so not surprisingly I find myself doing a lot of animal-oriented books today.
I became an agent because I love books and believe that good writing and smart ideas can transform our world. So I’m selective about what I represent. That said, if I have your manuscript exclusively, and if I am enthusiastic about it, I’ll often line-edit as I go along, just to give you an idea of what your manuscript may need in order to work out some of the kinks. Because I do not require exclusivity, please don’t expect me to pencil in comments directly on your solicited manuscript – unless, after I ask for it, you do provide it to me on an exclusive basis (say, for six to eight weeks).
Everyone will tell you that one of the most important criteria for a good agent is that s/he is enthusiastic about your work. Believe it. You must find someone who loves the project, and will fight to get it published. So only send your material to me when you think it’s as good as you can get it.”
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Genres – Jeff Kleinman Literary Agent
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Email Address – Jeff Kleinman Book Agent
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Mailing Address – Jeff Kleinman Publishing Agent
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AAR Status – Jeff Kleinman Literary Agent
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Representative Sales – Jeff Kleinman Agent
Beginner’s Guide to Paradise by Alex Sheshunoff (NAL)
The Maiden Tower by Ella Leya (Sourcebooks)
Wish by Jake Smith (Tyndale)
Romance is my Day Job by Patience Bloom (Dutton)
Shadows on the Wolverine by Eowyn Ivey (Little, Brown)
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