Don Fehr Literary Agent is a book agent with Trident Media Group with offices in New York City. Scroll below to learn more and see how you can submit your book to Don Fehr for representation.
This literary agent profile is part of a series from our Literary Agents List of the most searched literary agents online.
Don Fehr is on our list of Publishing Agents New York (book agents in New York State), Publishing Agents NYC (book agents in NYC), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), Fiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent fiction authors), Nonfiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels), Children’s Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for younger readers), Young Adult Publishing Agents (book agents who represent YA books for teens), Middle Grade Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for middle grade tween readers), and Picture Book Publishing Agents (book agents who represent picture books for kids).
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Don Fehr Literary Agent Biography
Don Fehr Literary Agent is a book agent with Trident Media Group. Don comes to Trident as a 20 year publishing veteran in editorial and various executive level publishing positions. He has held senior level editorial jobs at Atheneum, Addison-Wesley, Viking Penguin, Basic Books, and was the Publisher of Smithsonian Books/HarperCollins. His reputation is that of an editor’s editor, intensely loyal, author centered and entrepreneurial in the publishing and marketing of his authors. He has worked and published across many genre and subject areas, including literary fiction and nonfiction, science, business, current events and politics, history, biography, memoir, popular culture, medicine and health, religion, spirituality and personal development.
Don has published over a dozen New York Times Bestsellers and his authors and books have won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the P.E.N. Faulkner Award, and The L.A. Times Book Award among others. His experience has given him a keen sense of both what works in the marketplace as well as how to navigate the internal dynamics of the publishing process.
Prominent authors he has worked with over the years have included political and legal commentators Alan Dershowitz and Linda Greenhouse, medical writers, Dr. Sherwin B. Nuland and Dr. Pauline Chen, psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer, historians Niall Ferguson, Christopher Andrew, W. Bruce Lincoln, Walter McDougall, Thomas Fleming, William Chafe, Omer Bartov, and Richard Evans, novelists Charles Johnson, Ishmael Reed, science writers Carl Zimmer and Franz De Waal, theologian Harvey Cox, actors Simon Callow and Klaus Kinski, pianist Andras Sciff, and other authors including Christopher Hitchens, Paul Berman, Thomas Sowell, Richard Rhodes, Richard Reeves, Bruce Chatwin, Kevin Philips, John Yoo, and Fred Waitzkin.
At Trident he is looking to build a list in all of the above areas in which he has published and is especially interested in taking on new literary and commercial novelists, narrative nonfiction, memoirs, biography, travel, as well as science/medical/health related titles. And since he reads alongside his twelve year old daughter, he has also developed an interest in young adult authors. She is his first reader for all YA submission. He holds degrees from Gordon College and Harvard University.
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Genres – Don Fehr Literary Agent
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Email Address – Don Fehr Book Agent
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Mailing Address – Don Fehr Publishing Agent
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AAR Status – Don Fehr Literary Agent
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Representative Sales – Don Fehr Literary Agent
Into the Lion’s Mouth: The True Story of Dusko Popov, WWII’s Most Daring Spy by Larry Loftis (Berkley)
Raw Deal: How the Sharing Economy and Freelance Society are Stripping American Workers of their
Livelihoods and Dignity, and What We Can Do About It by Steven Hill (Palgrave)
Rampage Nation: Securing America from Mass Shootings by Louis Klarevas (Prometheus)
Terror in the Weimar: The Story of the Secret Murder Club That Inspired Hitler by Heidi Schnakenberg (St. Martin’s)
Ocean of Risk: The Looming Threats to Asia’s Future by Michael Auslin (Yale University Press)
Capital Offenses: Business Crime and Punishment in America’s Corporate Century by Samuel Buell (Norton)
Operation Whisper: The Capture of Master Spies Morris and Lona Cohen by Barnes Carr (ForeEdge)
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