Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Lindsay Edgecombe and the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency is part of a series about literary agents and Finding a Book Agent. Publishing Agent Lindsay Edgecombe is an agent with the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency. Book Agent Lindsay Edgecombe graduated Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude from Barnard College, Columbia University where she edited The Columbia Review and worked with students to develop writing in the Writing Fellow program.
Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent is interested in books with obscure journeys, strong narrators, and political backbones, but she’s an eclectic reader and will take on any project that she’s passionate about. She loves to discover new talent and to with her authors to develop great proposals from the spark of an idea. Her authors have contributed to NPR’s This American Life, written for the New York Times and many other publications, and have been on Oprah and The Daily Show.
Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent is on our list of AAR Book Agents (publishing agents who are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives), Book Agents New York (publishing agents in New York State), Book Agents NYC (publishing agents in NYC), Book Agents USA (publishing agents in the United States), Fiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent fiction authors), and Nonfiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).
Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent Biography
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Book Genres – Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent
Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
Representative Sales – Lindsay Edgecombe Book Agent
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AAR Status – Lindsay Edgecombe Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent
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Lindsay Edgecombe Literary Agent
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