Les Stobbe Literary Agent was a book agent at the Leslie H. Stobbe Literary Agency. He is no longer taking submissions. Publishing Agent Les Stobbe was an agent with the Leslie H. Stobbe Literary Agency. Book Agent Les Stobbe started his publishing career in 1955, when he was buying books for a bookstore. He was eventually floor manager at Moody Bookstore.
Les Stobbe Literary Agent was previously an editor of Christian Bookseller Magazine. Eventually, he was appointed editorial director of Moody Press. Literary Agent Les Stobbe generally focused on proposals he received by referral, from well-known authors and editors, and from Christian writers’ conferences. But he knew outstanding writing by fresh voices ought to be a consideration when a manuscript was evaluated. He was well aware that breakthrough writers typically already have a platform, so he was looking for those fresh voices, as well, in both adult fiction and non-fiction who above all knew how to tell a story with truth embedded in it—and in non-fiction already had a significant platform.
Les Stobbe Literary Agent was on our list of Christian Book Agents (publishing agents who represent Christian fiction and/or nonfiction), Book Agents NC (publishing agents in North Carolina), Book Agents USA (publishing agents in the United States), Fiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent fiction authors), and Nonfiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).
Les Stobbe Literary Agent Biography
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Book Genres – Les Stobbe Literary Agent
Les Stobbe Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
Representative Sales – Les Stobbe Book Agent
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AAR Status – Les Stobbe Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Les Stobbe Literary Agent
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Les Stobbe Literary Agent
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