Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Jacques de Spoelberch and J de S Associates is part of a series about literary agents and Finding a Literary Agent. Publishing Agent Jacques de Spoelberch is an agent at J de S Associates. He founded the agency in 1975. Prior to being an agent, Book Agent Jacques de Spoelberch was an editor with Houghton Mifflin in New York and Boston and was the first Editorial Director of International Literary Management in New York.His interests, as editor and agent, have a broad-base.
Literary Agent Jacques de Spoelberch has represented the published titles: Margaret George’s new historical The Confessions of Young Nero, Joshilyn Jackson’s novel The Almost Sisters, and Laurie Wilson’s biography Louise Nevelson: Architect of Shadows. And to be published in 2018: John Heminway’s book on Dr. Anne Spoerry In Full Flight: A Story of Africa and Atonement, Jon Michael Varese’s novel The Spirit Photographer, ichael Witwer, Kyle Peterson, Kyle Newman, and Sam Witwer’s Dungeons and Dragons: A Visual History, Haroon Ullah’s House of Heroin: Inside the Secret Billion Dollar Narco-Terror Empire, Peter Shinkle’s biography of Robert Cutler Ike’s Mystery Man, and MHeather Clark’s biography Sylvia Plath: Her Life in Art.
Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent is on our list of Book Agents USA (publishing agents in the United States), Fiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent fiction authors), and Nonfiction Book Agents (publishing agents who represent nonfiction, not just novels).
Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent Biography
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Book Genres – Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent
Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
Representative Sales – Jacques de Spoelberch Book Agent
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AAR Status – Jacques de Spoelberch Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent
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Jacques de Spoelberch Literary Agent
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