To submit your book to a literary agent, you simply have to send a 1-2 page pitch (query letter) to the appropriate publishing agents… using their preferred submission method. There are three to choose from.
Scroll below to discover the three ways to submit your book to a literary agent. You’ll also learn how to figure out what every individual publishing agent’s preferred submission method is.
This article is part of a series called Get a Literary Agent for Your Novel or Nonfiction Book. If you aren’t already familiar with the other steps you’ll need to take to get a book agent, click here to read my article called The Getting a Literary Agent Process.
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Submit Your Book to a Literary Agent – 3 Choices
There are only 3 ways to submit your book to a literary agency: email, postal mail, and an online form at the literary agency’s website (if they have one).
This is one area that you don’t want to get creative.
In other words, don’t submit your book to a literary agency via FedEx or priority mail. Don’t phone or fax. Don’t slide a query letter or partial manuscript under his hotel door at a writers’ conference. Don’t pitch a publishing agent while he’s using the bathroom. And don’t show up at a book agent’s office (or home) unannounced.
I’ve had all of these things happen.
Now that we have that out of the way, it’s time for you to choose the method you want to use… to submit your book to a literary agency. Then click on the appropriate link. I have a webpage with more details for each of the three methods.
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Submit Your Book to a Literary Agent
Choose your Submission Method
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Click here to learn how to format an email query for book agents.
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Postal Mail
Click here to learn how to submit your book to a publishing agent with a book agent SASE.
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Online Form
Click here to learn how to submit your book to a publishing agent with a book agent online submission.
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Submit Your Book to a Literary Agent – Directory
Although this article is meant to help you choose the way that you’d like to submit your book to a literary agent, I have some bad news. You also need to find out how every agent you’ll be submitting to wants you to submit your work to them.
Some agents have only one option.
Some agents have two options.
And some accept all three.
Now the good news…
You can find out every publishing agent on the planet’s preferred submission method(s) with just a few clicks of your mouse, by visiting my Directory of Literary Agents online. It’s the world’s most comprehensive (and accurate) collection of literary agent listings. Click here now to Get Free Instant Access to My Directory of Literary Agents.
Then click here to read the next article in this 17-part series and see
How to Format an Email Query for Literary Agents.
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