File format submission guidelines for literary agents to help you get published are listed below. This article explains the two different file formats requested by literary agencies. It also explains how to create both formats easily, and for free. Scroll below now for more information.
This article is part of a 17-part series
called Get a Literary Agent.
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File Format Submission Guidelines for Literary Agents – Two Different Options
There are only two types of file format types for book agents. Some literary agencies will only allow you to send your materials using either one of the two formats. Other agents will only let you use one of them.
The two file formats are…
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Word Document
File Format Submission Guidelines for Literary Agents
If you come across book agents asking you to send your material as a “Word file” or “Word document,” they’re easy to create. If you have an Apple computer and/or you don’t use Microsoft Word, that’s okay. There’s a free computer program called Apache OpenOffice that will let you save any file that you have as a Word document. Apache OpenOffice is available in many languages and works on all common computers. OpenOffice is easy to learn, and it will read your files from other word processing programs without difficulty. OpenOffice is used by governments, educational institutions, businesses, not for profits, and more.
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PDF Document
File Format Submission Guidelines for Literary Agents
If you come across book agents asking you to send your material as a “PDF file” or “PDF document,” those are easy to create as well. You can quickly convert Word documents to PDF documents, by simply opening a Word doc and then clicking on “Save As” (just look for the PDF option). There is also a free software called PDF995 that lets you convert any document into a PDF document.
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Find File Format Submission Guidelines for Literary Agents Looking for Your Book
Before you send a literary agency your book proposal, synopsis, sample chapters, and/or complete manuscript… make sure you read the file format submission guidelines for literary agents on their website.
You can find website links for every literary agency in my Directory of Literary Agents. The literary agent directory has all the information you need to know about publishing agents looking for books in every category. Click here for free instant access to my Directory of Literary Agents.
Now, click here to read the next article in this 17-part series
and learn about Literary Agent Turnaround Times.
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