Authors’ literary agents for your book are easy to find using our free Directory of Literary Agents. This webpage has a link to the directory, but also step-by-step instructions explaining how to use it. Scroll below to take a tour of the directory and/or get free access.
This article is part of a 15-part series called Finding a Literary Agent – For Authors of All Genres.
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Authors’ Literary Agents –
Directory FAQ
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What is the Directory of Literary Agents?
The world’s most comprehensive, and accurate, directory of literary agents to help you find authors’ literary agents. It’s also the easiest directory to navigate, with lots of information and features that you won’t find anywhere else.
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What can I find inside the directory?
If you want to find authors’ literary agents, this directory has more than a thousand US book agents and international book agents, searchable by genre or category (116 of them). You’ll also find authors’ literary agents alongside their photos and full-length biographies. The directory will let you find authors’ literary agents that are members of the AAR, and determine every agent’s preferred query letter method: email, postal mail, and/or online form. It also contains agent mailing addresses, email addresses, website links, and maps to agent offices.
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How do I access the directory?
Click here for instant access to the Authors’ Book Agents Directory and find authors’ book agents interested in your book.
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Who created the directory?
Former NY Times bestselling literary agent Mark Malatesta.
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How do I find authors’ literary agents in the United States?
Find authors’ literary agents in the United States by logging in to the directory and looking for the drop-down menu that says “Select Category.” Scroll down through the menu selections until you see the “USA” category and click on it, to find authors’ book agents in the United States.
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How do I find authors’ literary agents in my state?
Find authors’ literary agents in your state by logging in to the directory and looking for the drop-down menu that says “Select Category.” Scroll down through the menu selections until you see the “USA” category. Underneath it you’ll see all of the states that have active book agents. Choose a state and click on it, to find authors’ book agents in your state.
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How do I find authors’ literary agents in my country?
Find authors’ literary agents in your country by logging in to the directory and looking for the drop-down menu that says, “Select Category.” Scroll down through the menu selections until you see the “International” category. Underneath it you’ll see all of the countries in the directory that have active book agents. Choose a country and click on it, to find authors’ book agents in the country of your choice.
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How do I find authors’ literary agents that are AAR members?
After you log in to the directory, you’ll see a drop-down menu that says “Select Category.” Scroll down through the menu selections until you see the “AAR” category and click on it, to find literary agents in the AAR.
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How do I find authors’ literary agents in my book genre or category?
After you log in to the directory, you’ll see a drop-down menu that say,s “Select Category.” Scroll down through the menu selections until you see the “Fiction” or “Nonfiction” category. Underneath the category that describes your project, you’ll see all of the genres within that category. Choose a genre and click on it, to find authors’ literary agents in your genre. Another way to find authors’ literary agents in your category is to read any agent’s biography. Every book agent bio lists all of the book categories that the agent is interested in, so you can find authors’ book agents that are a perfect fit.
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How come I can only see ten authors’ literary agents listed in my genre or category?
Although there might be hundreds of book agents in your search results, the directory only displays ten agents per page. If your category has more than ten agents, you can find authors’ literary agents on the next page by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and using the navigation arrows.
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How do I access the literary agent biographies?
Click on the “Show Bio” link underneath any agent.
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Where do I find the authors’ literary agents photos?
You’ll see a head shot for every agent as soon as you enter the directory and perform a category search.
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Where do I find the publishing agent photos?
You’ll see a head shot for every agent as soon as you enter the directory and perform a category search.
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Where are the publishing agent mailing addresses?
Find authors’ book agents and their mailing addresses as soon as you enter the directory and perform a category search.
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Where are the publishing agent maps to their offices?
Click on the “Show Map” link underneath any agent.
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Where are the authors’ literary agents website links?
Click on the “Visit Website” link underneath any authors’ book agents listing.
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How do I find the preferred query method(s) for authors’ literary agents?
Find authors’ book agents and their preferred query method(s) as soon as you enter the directory and perform a category search, underneath the agent’s company name.
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If I find authors’ literary agents in this directory, does it mean they’re reputable?
Not necessarily. Although we certainly didn’t include any publishing agents that we know are unethical, we can’t vouch for the integrity (or ability) of any of the authors’ book agents in this directory. Read this article about Requirements for a Literary Agent before you hire a book agent.
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Enter the Directory >>
Find Authors Literary Agents Now!
Click here now to enter the Directory of Literary Agents Area
and find publishing agents for your book.
Or, click here to read the next article in this 15-part series,
about Literary Agents Accepting Manuscripts.
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