Essie White Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Essie White and the Storm Literary Agency is part of a series about literary agents and How to Find a Literary Agent. Publishing Agent Essie White is an agent at the Storm Literary Agency. DO NOT QUERY THIS AGENT AT THIS TIME: Essie is not currently accepting unsolicited submissions. Book Agent Essie White spent several years developing and creating literature based curricula for elementary level programs, after she earned her MA in Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education. She also earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Education with a primary focus in Special Education. She provided classes for educators and parents, specifically addressing emergent literacy in children ages birth to age eight, prior to opening Young Child Academy, an early childhood program. During her tenure as Director at Young Child Academy, she authored several books both with other educators, as well as with children. Essie White considers Storm Literary Agency an extension of what she loves most: Literature and Children.
When Essie White Literary Agent worked with special needs children, struggling with language, she discovered the beauty of words, and the rhythm of a well-composed story, engaged them. She went on to teach traditional elementary students and found reading was best achieved when a good book was the focus, not the specific skillset.
That’s when Essie White Literary Agent’s real journey with books began. Using quality children’s literature as the foundation, she created curricula for local and national homeschool groups, as well as independent preschool organizations. For each topic, each subject, each thematic unit, she used a book as the starting point. When teaching, she read a book to begin each lesson. And when writing curriculum, she utilized a book as the launching pad for each learning objective.
A few years later, and with Essie White Literary Agent’s youngest daughter as the inaugural student, Essie used this combination of skills and passions, to start her own early childhood development program. Still in operation today, after almost two decades, the school serves over 100 students daily in the Seattle, Washington area of the United States.
When Essie White Literary Agent relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and entrenched herself into the local children’s book community, she started receiving inquiries from local authors, asking about the path to publication. A lot of research later, as well as a lot of work, Essie decided to open her small agency with the hope of ensuring capable artists and authors, could eventually get their work seen by editors and publishers. Storm Literary Agency was subsequently launched in 2014.
Essie White Literary Agent is on our list of AAR Publishing Agents (book agents who are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives), Publishing Agents Ohio (book agents in Ohio), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), Children’s Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for younger readers), Middle Grade Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for middle grade tween readers), and Picture Book Publishing Agents (book agents who represent picture books for kids).
Essie White Literary Agent Biography
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Book Genres – Essie White Literary Agent
Essie White Literary Agent Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Children’s Books
Representative Sales – Essie White Book Agent
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AAR Status – Essie White Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Essie White Literary Agent
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Essie White Literary Agent
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