Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent – This article about Literary Agent Barry Goldblatt and Barry Goldblatt Literary is part of a series about literary agents and How to Find a Literary Agent. Publishing Agent Barry Goldblatt is an agent at Barry Goldblatt Literary. Book Agent Barry Goldblatt has a BA in English and a BS in Journalism from the University of Kansas. He moved to New York in the summer of 1989 after he completed a six-week course in science fiction with James Gunn. He was set on coming to the city and becoming an editor at a science fiction magazine or book publisher. He didn’t know at the time that there were few positions that fit that description.
Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent fell in love with children’s book after an interview with Donne Forrest, the Subsidiary Rights Director at Dutton Children’s Books and Dial Books for Young Readers. She offered him a job and he took it. Literary Agent Barry Goldblatt a couple years later he got laid off from Penguin, but landed a new job as the subsidiary rights associate at The Putnam and Grosset Group. After a couple of years there, he moved to Orchard Books as the Rights and Contracts Director.
Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent decided to become an agent when Scholastic bought Orchard in 2000. He opened his own agency and one of his first clients was award-winning author Angela Johnson.
Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent is on our list of AAR Publishing Agents (book agents who are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives), Publishing Agents New York (book agents in New York State), Publishing Agents USA (book agents in the United States), Fiction Publishing Agents (book agents who represent fiction authors), Children’s Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for younger readers), Young Adult Publishing Agents (book agents who represent YA books for teens), Middle Grade Publishing Agents (book agents who represent books for middle grade tween readers), and Picture Book Publishing Agents (book agents who represent picture books for kids).
Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent Biography
The profile about Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you’ll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents. Scroll below now to learn more about Literary Agent Barry Goldblatt or click here to get free instant access to our official Publishing Agents Directory.
Book Genres – Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent
Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent represents the following book genres:
- Fiction
- Children’s Books
Representative Sales – Barry Goldblatt Book Agent
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AAR Status – Barry Goldblatt Publishing Agent
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Contact Information – Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent
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Barry Goldblatt Literary Agent
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