Find AAR Members here in our free Directory of Literary Agents. This article is part of my Guide to the Association of Authors’ Representatives. Enter your information now (in the form to the right) for FREE instant access to the most comprehensive (and accurate) literary agent directory in print or online. >>>
Since members of the AAR need a proven track record to apply, have two sponsors, and abide by a strict canon of ethics… it’s in your best interest to submit your book to AAR members first.
Scroll below to learn how you can find AAR members status in our directory, and see a sample directory listing for David Black, an active member of the Association of Author Representatives. Underneath the sample directory listing, you’ll discover what else is inside our free book agent directory.
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AAR Members – Sample Directory Listing
Find AAR Members – Get Instant Access!
If you want to find AAR members and accurate information about them, register above now for FREE instant access to our Directory of Literary Agents. As soon as you register you’ll get instant access to the following:
* Agent biographies for members of the AAR
* Agent photos for members of the AAR
* Personal email addresses for members of the AAR
* Mailing addresses for members of the AAR
* Preferred query letter methods (email, online form, postal mail)
* Links to agency websites for members of the AAR
* Maps to offices of members of the AAR
* Access to all US and Intl literary agents (1,000+)
* Search the directory by book genre/category (116 of them)
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Warning! – Before You Try to Find AAR Members Elsewhere
Most literary agent directories (print and online) are outdated, incomplete, and riddled with mistakes. If you rely on those directories to find AAR members, there’s a good chance you’ll come across bad information.
Scroll back up to the top of this webpage now to enter your name and email… to find AAR members.
Click here to Find Out What the AAR or Literary Agents’ Guild Is All About.
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