Jessica Watterson Literary Agent – The profile about Literary Agent Jessica Watterson that you see below contains some of the information you’ll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established book agents. Book Agent Jessica Watterson has been an agent at the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency since 2013. DO NOT QUERY THIS AGENT AT THIS TIME: Jessica is not currently accepting unsolicited submissions. A graduate of the University of California at Irvine, Jessica is a lifelong book lover and former indie book reviewer.
Jessica is most drawn to riveting and heart pounding romance. She loves fun, fresh voices and character driven stories that keep a reader turning the page because they need to know what happens next. Independent heroines are a must, in addition to well realized heroes who aren’t alpha-holes. She also loves fantasy that will appeal to a broad readership, especially if it has some spice in it!
In the children’s realm, she connects with anything that has heart and humor.
Jessica does like the occasional pop-culture or millenial leaning non-fiction project.
She is only open to queries by referral at this time.
Jessica Watterson Literary Agent Biography
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Jessica Watterson Literary Agent
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