Literary agent online submission tips are here to help you get a top literary agency. Approximately one hundred publishing agents in the United States now have a literary agency online submission form (and they all ask for slightly different information). This article is part of a series called Getting a Literary Agent.
Making a literary agent online submission isn’t the same as sending the literary agency a query by email. A literary agent online submission requires you to enter all your information at the literary agency’s website. In some cases, this is the only way you’re able to query the agency. Some literary agencies no longer accept postal mail or email queries.
So, scroll below to discover everything you need to know about making a literary agent online submission. If you reached this page by mistake and want help formatting your email query, click here to read this article called How to Format an Email Query for Literary Agents.
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Literary Agent Online Submission – Sample
If you haven’t been to a lot of literary agency websites yet, let me be the first to tell you… literary agency online submission forms vary greatly. So I visited every single literary agent online submission form that I could find on the Internet, and compiled the list for you below. That way you’ll be able to gather all of the information before you come across a literary agency online submission form.
Here’s a sample literary agency online submission form:
Literary Agent Online Submission – Examples of Required Content
Be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible before you begin filling out your first literary agency online submission form:
- Name, email, phone, website address, and mailing address
- The book agent that you’d like to have review your literary agent online submission form
- How did you find the literary agency (referral, writers’ conference, etc.)?
- Is your submission exclusive?
- Book title/subtitle
- Genre and/or sub-genre
- A one sentence description – your pitch, “hook,” or “logline”
- Target age group
- Word count or expected word count
- Number of chapters
- Illustration information (if your book is meant to have them)
- Estimated time to complete the book (if it’s not already)
- Submission history
- Book synopsis
- Table of contents
- Competing and related titles
- Author bio
- Previous publications and publisher
- Special marketing and promotional opportunities
- A favorite sentence from the manuscript you are submitting
- The name and author of the last book you’ve read
- Which writer has most influenced you?
- Questions or comments
- Book proposal (as an attachment)
- Sample chapters (as an attachment)
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How to Find Literary Agent Online Submission Forms
If you want to know which author representatives have literary agent online submission forms, simply visit my Directory of Literary Agents. You’ll find every book agent in the world listed there, along with their preferred query method(s). If a literary agency has a literary agent online submission form, you’ll have instant access. Click here to access my FREE Online Book Agents Directory now.
Now, click here to read the next article in this 17-part series
with information about sending a Literary Agent SASE.
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